Wednesday, December 30, 2009

News 4 NY: NJ Highway With No Speed Limit Now Has 4

If you follow this blog or the NJ Bike/Ped News Digest you may be aware of the up-roar about the new section of NJ Rt 18 in New Brunswick not having any posted speed limits up until very recently. Tragically, it is felt by many that the lack of a posted speed limit may have had a cause in the pedestrian crash fatality of a New Brunswick boy. Even though the boy crossed against the signal, the speed of the driver that hit him was 68mph, way above the default speed limit of 50mph. It is believed by his family that the boy misjudged the speed of the car, never expecting it to be traveling so fast and that a proper, lower speed limit should have been installed when the road first opened.

(Video might be quirky. Playing with controls might be required to get it to play)

I don't know about you but I always thought that roads were engineered and built with a speed limit already in mind. Seems silly not to do so particularly when there are "at grade pedestrian crossings," even if these crossings are "protected" by a signal.

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