Sunday, June 24, 2012

Call Senator Menendez now to save Federal Bike/Ped funding

Call Senator Robert Menendez right now and ask him to save Federal bike and pedestrian funding!

(973) 645-3030

The below comes from America Bikes and is a very short script that they want you to use when you call your senator / congressperson.  Short and sweet!
  • Hi, my name is [[your name]] and I live in [[city/town]].
  • I’m calling to ask that Senator Menendez maintain the Cardin-Cochran agreement in the transportation bill. Please ensure that states not be permitted to opt-out of local control over biking and walking funds.
  • Over 50,000 pedestrians died preventable deaths on American streets between 2001 and 2010. Having saddled communities with unsafe streets, it would be the height of cruelty for Congress now to take away resources from local communities trying to improve those conditions and save lives.
  • The bipartisan Cardin-Cochran agreement in the Senate transportation bill would ensure that local governments can access 1 – 2% of federal transportation dollars for local projects.
  • Will Senator Menendez ensure that local governments have control over funds for biking and walking improvements?

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